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Italy: A destroyed campsite – A hailstorm hits Lake Garda with full force

Italy: A destroyed campsite – A hailstorm hits Lake Garda with full force


Ruined Camp – A hailstorm hits Lake Garda in full force

A storm hits Lake Garda in Italy severely. Many cars and buildings were damaged.


Reto Pullman

Konstantin Forer

Samira Koons


Destroyed Car Window: A hailstorm has caused destruction.

20 minutes / Scout News

  • A violent storm also wreaked havoc in Italy.

  • Cars and buildings were destroyed in Lake Garda.

  • A news exposé witnessed the storm.

On Monday evening, an extremist supercell formed in northern Italy, and moved through the regions of Bergamo to Lake Garda, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. Hailstones up to ten centimeters high severely damaged thousands of cars and buildings.

A family from Münsingen BE, who was camping on Lake Garda, tells 20 minutes how it started at 10:50 p.m.: first a flash, then a cold came. Tents and caravans were destroyed. The Swiss family rented a bungalow, which was not damaged. But the car was bundled up, news scouts report. “No car in the entire camp survived the storm unscathed,” he says.

“We weren’t sure if the roof would hold.”

The Zanolini family also spent the stormy night at a camp on Lake Garda. They stayed in their caravan while hailstones fell “like stones” from the sky. “We hid under the table with our three children. We weren’t sure if the roof would hold,” says Father Feo.

The family is now waiting for a replacement car because their convoy is not roadworthy. They also reported that no vehicle survived the storm unscathed: “There are many in the same situation we are in. Let’s see if and when we get a replacement vehicle.”

Videos from news scouts show the violent storm over the Lake Garda area.

20 minutes / Scout News

Milan was hit hard by the storm

new violent storm Milan also hit on Tuesday night. Strong winds blew in the city and rain flooded the streets, reports the Corriere della Sera. The storm also affected much of Brianza and the northern part of Lombardy and reached its peak intensity around 4 am. Dozens of trees fell on parked cars, power lines and streets.

In the past few days, Italy has been repeatedly hit by severe storms on the verge of a heat wave. The full extent will not become apparent until Tuesday. Storms and super storms are also possible on Tuesday itself.

a A plane of the American airline Delta Air Lines It encountered severe turbulence and a hail storm shortly after take-off from Milan, Italy, on Monday. It appears that the machine was hit several times by large hailstones, which resulted in many holes in the plane. Even the cockpit window was cracked by an impact.

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