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Invitation declined: Prince Harry reportedly left King Charles hanging

Invitation declined: Prince Harry reportedly left King Charles hanging

A picture from better days: The relationship between King Charles and Prince Harry has been considered fractured since his departure from the royal family.

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Disagreements within the Windsor family are becoming more troublesome: according to British media, Prince Harry is said to have rejected an invitation from his father, King Charles.

no time? Blue News sums it up for you

  • When Prince Harry was in London at the beginning of last May, there was no meeting with his father, Charles, who was suffering from cancer.
  • As a result, a spokesman for the prince claimed that this was “unfortunately not possible due to the King's busy schedule.”
  • Now you want the British newspaper “telegraph” Know that the prince let the king down.

What would Queen Elizabeth say about the disputes within the British royal family if she were still alive?

When Prince Harry was in London recently, there was no meeting with his father, Charles, who was suffering from cancer. A spokesman for Harry later claimed that this was “unfortunately not possible due to the King's busy schedule”.

But now he claims “telegraph”: All this is not true. According to the British newspaper, Harry, who has been living in the United States since 2020, is said to have rejected an invitation from the prince.

Prince Harry is said to have had “security concerns”.

It is said that Charles suggested that Harry spend the night in one of the royal residences during his short visit, but it seems that his son preferred to stay in a hotel.

Prince Harry is said to have had “security concerns”. Because it is said that King Charles' offer did not include any taxpayer-funded security service.

Off limits to the safety conscious prince

Specifically, this meant: Harry had to pass through “a known place with entrances and exits accessible without police protection.”

Which is a no-no for the security-conscious prince, as the Telegraph now claims. Instead, he checked into a hotel, where he could “come and go without being seen.”

“Security” has been an issue within the Royal Family for a long time:

While police protection for the royal family on the British island is paid for by taxpayers, Prince Harry has had to pay out of his own pocket since moving to the United States.

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