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Here the firefighting plane crashed over the Euboea forest

Here the firefighting plane crashed over the Euboea forest


Here the firefighting plane crashed over the burning forest of Euboea

A mission fighting a forest fire on the island of Euboea ended fatally: On Tuesday, a Canadair CL-215 firefighting plane with two pilots on board crashed.


The plane hit a tree with its right wing.

  • A firefighting plane has crashed while putting out fires on the island of Iboya.

  • A Canadair CL-215 crashes into a tree, video appears to show.

  • The two pilots on board belonged to the Hellenic Air Force. They died.

During an operation against a forest fire in the south of the Greek island of Euboea near Karystos on Tuesday at around 3pm local time Fire plane crashed. On board were two Air Force pilots, a twin-engine Canadair CL-215. They did not survive the crash, as confirmed by Greek authorities in the late afternoon. The aircraft belongs to the 355th Tactical Transport Squadron of the 112th Fighter Squadron of the Hellenic Air Force.

In a video you can see how the plane carries water low over a Forest burning department unloading. Then the machine pulls back in and tries to fly a right turn. But the machine seems to have touched a tree with the floating object at the end of the wing – the clip shows how the part falls out of the plane. The Canadair then rapidly loses height and plummets nose-first into the bush. The crew of the next second machine has to watch in horror.

Helicopters are currently flying in the area to monitor the situation. The rescue operation has begun. The area of ​​Karistos where the firefighting aircraft operate is known for its strong winds.

Constructed for use as a firefighting aircraft

Canadair CL-125 is an aircraft designed specifically for firefighting. It is a high-wing, twin-engine amphibious aircraft designed for low-speed, heavy-load operations in the harsh conditions of wildfires and for landings on short, unpaved runways. The CL-215 is capable of taking water from lakes, rivers or the open sea. It only takes ten seconds to fill their tanks with about 5,500 liters of water. She can drop up to 125 charges per day.

Its first flight took place in 1967 and it was built until 1990. So the plane that crashed is over 30 years old. The pilots had no way of escaping from the plane.

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