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Great Britain and Australia won the four-way qualifier in Milton

Great Britain and Australia won the four-way qualifier in Milton

Nations Cup: German women third, men seventh

By Peter Maurer

The German women’s four finished third in the qualifiers for the Nations Cup in Milton. | Photo: Cor Vos

04/21/2023 | (rsn) – Canada will host the third and final stop of the season at the UCI Nations Cup, the successor to the Track World Cup. At the start, qualification awaited track four, which both the German women’s and men’s teams successfully passed.

Third place was good enough for Francesca Bruce, Mike Kroeger, Lena-Charlotte Reisner and Laura üßmilch, behind teams from Great Britain and the United States. The Germans were eight-tenths slower than the Brits, who won the European title in Grenoble two months ago. At the World Cup in Milton, the USA quartet, led by Chloe Tigert again, finished second in qualifying.

The German men’s four finished seventh. Not in the best line-up, but the quartet, which included new starting driver Joachim Eilers, Nicolas Heinrich, Jasper Schröder and Tim Dorn Deutenberg, was 4.3 seconds slower than the Australian who set the fastest time. It is followed by Great Britain, Canada and Italy.

However, the German quartet benefited in Milton from the absence of previously dominant teams New Zealand and Denmark at the start. Otherwise, the men’s four could have missed out on qualifying for the finals, as they did earlier in the season in Jakarta.