
Complete News World

Funny animal pictures of cats, elephants, bears and otters

Funny animal pictures of cats, elephants, bears and otters

good news

Corinna Mail

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Beautiful news everyone!

And hello from my vacation! Don't worry, you won't be left out, I tried my best not to miss any nice news. We don't want that!

Have a lot of fun, have a great weekend and we'll see you again next week!

Yay, vacation!

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Aren't they absolutely adorable? 😍

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Don't miss more nice news:

A cat always knows the best places.

Cute Cat Animal News

How do you imagine your vacation:

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For what they really are:

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It became water.

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I don't want to have to brush this fur.

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This definitely tickles.

Nice news animal dog grasshopper

Why does he seem so disappointed? 🥺

Cute news animal


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Tongue of the week:

Nice news about animal bear

Now finally come!

Nice news about animal bear

That guy who always knew everything in school:

Nice news about the red panda

There are many cute red pandas here:


Cute red panda

Source: shutterstock

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(The good news continues below.)

Almost as cute as a red panda:

Nice news about animal monkeys

So we can learn something else today: This little animal is called a nombat.

Nice news about the animal Nombat

Or also: ants' bread.

Nice news about the animal Nombat

Numbats live in a few areas in South Australia.

Nice news about the animal Nombat

It is considered endangered, and there are only about 800 animals left in the wild.

Nice news about the animal Nombat

Numbats have a long tongue because they feed exclusively on termites.

Nice news about the animal Nombat

Second language of the week!

Fun fact: Female numbats are only pregnant for two weeks. Babies are only two centimeters long at birth.

Nice news about the animal Nombat

Okay, enough with Numbats. Final picture:

Nice news about the animal Nombat

But we will stay in Australia for a bit:

Nice news about koalas

Does anyone else want a cat production machine? I will participate.

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Are you talking to me?

Nice news about the otter


Nice news about animal cows

What do you mean: the nice news is already ready?

Nice news about animal monkey

Start your weekend with a smile and a hug.

Nice news about the Quokka

Now it's your turn! Share your best animal pictures in the comments section!

What's the nice news?

Every Friday morning from 6am, you'll find sweet news on Watson. It's a collection of funny and adorable animal photos and videos that went viral on the internet last week. User input continues in the comment column.

The animals were caught stealing food


The animals were caught stealing food

Source: Boredpanda

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Cooper Wallace is an imitator of the cry of a seagull

Video: Watson

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