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Former billionaire Benco before the investigation committee – News

Former billionaire Benco before the investigation committee – News

Former billionaire Benko before the investigation committee – News – SRF

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  • Former Austrian billionaire Rene Benko appeared for questioning before an investigative committee in Vienna.
  • The 47-year-old walked past several journalists into the meeting room without saying a word. He was accompanied by his lawyer and plainclothes police officers.
  • The Austrian Parliament had requested the support of the Ministry of the Interior after the founder of the Cigna Real Estate and Commercial Group had previously been absent from the committee twice.

    “I ask for your understanding that I will not answer the content of most of the questions,” Benko says, dampening hopes of deeper insights at the beginning of the meeting. There are a large number of complaints and allegations against the investor. He can incriminate himself by making statements before the committee.


Rene Benko appeared before an investigative committee for questioning. When asked questions, the 47-year-old remained silent.

APA/Georg Hochmuth

Commission U is investigating alleged preferential treatment of politically well-connected billionaires by the conservative chancellor's party ÖVP and financial authorities. Benko's good relations with former Chancellor and former leader of the Vice-President of the Austrian People's Party Sebastian Kurz are well known as are other high-ranking former politicians from other parties.

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