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Dragon's Dogma 2: Leaker finds reference to beta release

Dragon's Dogma 2: Leaker finds reference to beta release

After disappearing from the world of video games for a few years, demos have regained some popularity in recent years. The opportunity to try out a new game for free is very much welcomed by fans.

If we are to believe the newly discovered information from the resourceful users of the subreddit, a demo of Dragon's Dogma 2 will also be presented. At least after updating the Steam backend, a reference to an application has been found that points to the upcoming fantasy role-playing game.

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There is a line in the Steam menu that clearly indicates that there is a free trial. This indicates that the application is available “free upon request”. This is unlikely to mean the actual game and the community now assumes it is a free trial.

An official announcement from Capcom is currently pending, and there's no comment on the reveal yet. So we'll be curious to know if this hint really teases a Dragon's Dogma 2 beta or if it's something completely different. But it doesn't seem completely ridiculous, after all, there was already a free trial for the first Dragon's Dogma to try out.

Dragon's Dogma 2 will finally be released on March 22, 2024 on PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S. A role-playing game gives you a lot of freedom when creating your character; There will be a total of ten Calls, allowing a lot of freedom in the battles, in which you will also have to face towering bosses.

Dragon's Dogma 2 – View official release date

Official release date for Dragon's Dogma 2