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Cryengine 5.11 and a new map

Cryengine 5.11 and a new map

Crytek officially announced the Hunt Showdown Cryengine 5.11 update on August 15, 2024. At the same time, it was announced that support for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoles would be discontinued. However, players will have to wait for the next event and the new map, as it will not be released until August. The update brings several exciting changes, including a new UI, tweaks to matchmaking and potential improvements to the prestige system. Critic Plan weekly updates until the new engine is released to keep the community informed.

The Future of Hunt Showdown: Cryengine 5.11 and what it means

Critic It officially announced the update to Cryengine 5.11 on August 15, 2024. At the same time, it was announced that support for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One devices would be discontinued. However, players will have to wait for the next event and the new map, as it will not be released until August.

There is no new event until the engine is upgraded

Experienced Hunt players may wonder if there will only be solo matches on the map come August. This condition is due to a bug in the game. However, it is very likely that Crytek will fix this glitch soon so that the game can work as usual again. However, we will have to do without any new events until August.

What happens to my rank and equipment when I upgrade?

For those who want to continue playing Hunt Showdown but have a very old console, the question is whether you have to start over after upgrading the hardware. Crytek makes it very clear: all DLC and progress will be saved if you switch from PS4 to PS5, for example. This also applies to the Xbox Series. However, switching from console to PC means a completely fresh start as progress cannot be transferred.

Source: Hunt: Confrontation

Weekly updates from Crytek

Crytek plans to release weekly updates until the new engine is released. These updates are intended to keep the community informed and provide information about upcoming maps, interface changes, and other improvements.

New user interface

A new UI should also be included in the August update. Although there are no specific innovations known, there are many ideas and suggestions from the community. For example, functions such as a favorite list of attributes, hunters and weapons can be added. The current interface still offers a lot of potential for improvement.

Changes to the prestige and hunter recruitment system

The prestige and hunter recruitment system can also be revised. Critic He hinted in a teaser that there would be changes, but did not reveal any detailed information. They could be new and better rewards for players who want prestige.

Adjustments to reconciliation

The matchmaking system is also being reformed. There are ideas from the community such as a cap and maximum MMR per round to address the issue of intentional downgrading or boosting. Crytek can also completely separate quick play from MMR for regular rounds. These changes will improve the current system and provide a fairer gaming experience.

Next event and map start date

The next event is scheduled to start on August 1. It remains to be seen whether the new map will also be available at this time. Crytek has not yet announced any accurate information about this matter.

With the update to Cryengine 5.11 on August 15, 2024, there are exciting changes awaiting Hunt Showdown players. From weekly updates to a revamped UI, new map, and improved matchmaking system, Crytek is working hard to continue improving the game and keeping the community informed. Players can look forward to a lot of new content and improvements that will make the gaming experience even more exciting.