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Windows 11: Update brings bug fixes - and new emojis!

Windows 11: Update brings bug fixes – and new emojis!

Audio, Printers, and Fonts bug fixes – Microsoft releases a new patch for Windows 11. Also: New Emoji!

Microsoft rolled out an optional update on Patch Day yesterday (which Microsoft said is not relevant to security) that you can download from the Update section. Even if there are no serious security flaws at the moment — or at least no flaws that can actually be patched — the update is interesting because it fixes some of the shortcomings. For example, there were errors in the display of some fonts. This is of course annoying, especially in the field of design. In addition, according to reports, audio playback has stopped in some situations. Microsoft has now taken care of that. Last but not least, there were problems with automatic recognition when setting up printers from individual manufacturers. Here, too, Redmond found a cure.

Another nice addition is about ten new emojis. again Windows Experience Blog He writes, an entire team of designers, tool managers, and developers contributed to the design and the overall emoji system. And yes: Klippie, the well-known paperclip, is of course part of the party. You can get an overview in the image gallery below.