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Why do three countries compete in the euro instead of one country “”

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When athletes compete in other sports or at the Olympics like the United Kingdom, nations are free in football.

5.30am, July 9, 2021


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The English flag shapes the image in Euro © AFP

As Andy Murray Wimbledon won, England won, must Dave Riding Sky won one race at the World Cup, which may have cheered all four nations on. However, in football it is different. A Scott, Welsh or Northern Irishman is more likely to cross their fingers to Italy on Sunday.

This is due to a special status, the origin of which goes back more than 100 years. FIFA was founded in 1904 as the World Football Association England (1863), Scotland (1873), Wales (1875) and those who did not qualify for the euro Northern Ireland (1880) already had their own regional associations and insisted on keeping them. E.Like all other athletes, Inzig is one of the best footballers at the Olympics. Will the chances of the “United Kingdom” team at the European Championships or the World Cup be high? Rarely seen in the English army. In return, many Scots, Welsh and Northern Irish did not have the opportunity to participate in a major event.

Source: That United Kingdom Is not synonymous with England. Northern Ireland, which does not belong to the mainland, strictly speaking does not belong to Great Britain, but is part of the “United Kingdom”.