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Violet before ‘Wetten, dass..?’: Tiktoker Lena Mantler wants to settle the dispute — and gets a black eye

Violet before ‘Wetten, dass..?’: Tiktoker Lena Mantler wants to settle the dispute — and gets a black eye

Thomas Gottschalk with twins Lena and Lisa Mantler: They participated in last year’s show.

Imago/Image of the Future

Influencer Lena Mantler has a purple eye: The 21-year-old tried to settle an argument and now has a black eye. She reported the incident on Instagram.

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  • Twins Lena and Lisa Mantler are two of the most successful personalities on TikTok and Instagram.
  • Now Lina posted a photo showing her with a black eye, and was trying to settle the dispute.
  • She and her sister will appear Saturday with Thomas Gottschalk and “Wetten,dass..”.

Twins Lena and Lisa Mantler (21) from Stuttgart are among the most successful influencers on the TikTok platform. They became famous for their lip sync videos.

But as Lena’s latest Instagram post shows: she has a purple undertone. She shows her 21 million followers a black eye and a scratch on her cheekbones. According to her own words, she wanted to settle the dispute — and got something herself.

This happened on her way home when she noticed an argument between a man and a woman. “Especially in a situation like this, a lot of people look away – I think we’re all afraid we’re going to get in trouble,” she wrote on Instagram.

“Call the police first.”

No further details were provided about the dispute, including its outcome. She also wrote that she had actually been in a situation like this a year ago – just as a victim. She also wanted someone to intervene.

Finally, she warns her fans: “When you’re in or out of a situation like this, don’t just look away. Maybe you should call the police first.”

The young influencer and her sister are about to make a big appearance: they will appear again in Thomas Gottschalk’s “Wetten,dass..?” Moderation procedure – This is in the backstage area.

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