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Vienna is at the top of the world rankings

Vienna is at the top of the world rankings

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Vienna ranks at the top of two global rankings: according to The Economist, it is the most liveable city out of 172 competitors. Vienna is also one of the most popular conference cities, coming in second place.

In the Union of International Associations (UIA) rankings, Vienna reached second place behind Brussels in an international comparison for the second time in a row. In the UIA rankings, Vienna defended the silver medal with a conference total of 298. Brussels emerged as the winner with 620 meetings in 2023.

The Austrian capital is followed by Tokyo (226), Seoul (200), and Lisbon (147). The positions from sixth to ten were occupied by London (139), Paris (124), Madrid (116), Barcelona (115), and Dubai (114). Just in May, Vienna was ranked fourth in the world by the International Convention and Convention Association (ICCA).

The most livable among 173 cities

In another classification, the “Global Livability Ranking,” The Economist magazine ranked Vienna the most livable city in the world – for the third time in a row. In addition to Vienna, 172 other cities were evaluated in this classification. The deciding factor for the first place in the Economist rankings was once again the full number of points for stability, health system, education and infrastructure in the global comparison of cities.

In second place in the ranking of 173 cities, Copenhagen is ahead of Zurich and Melbourne. Another European city in the top five is Geneva in fifth place. The top ten spots are filled by Calgary, Sydney, Vancouver, Osaka and Auckland.

Success through citizens and the city

City Mayor Michael Ludwig (SPÖ) spoke about a prize for all Viennese. The result is no mere coincidence “thanks to the hard-working people of Vienna.” On the other hand, “correct political decisions” must also be taken to make such an assessment.

“It is also an award for the achievements of the City of Vienna and its employees. This is not only reflected in the daily lives of Viennese residents,” Ludwig said in his reaction. All this together ensures the city’s excellent international reputation and recognition among experts.