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US and UK: Johnson, Biden and three PS – Politics

Boris Johnson is known for going out of his way to get his message out to people, and sometimes he doesn’t care how ridiculous he gets. His Tories currently use the slogan “Built Back Better” to brand their politics on every occasion. The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom recently released shocking videos on social media. In one he spreads a snack and comments, while the slogan fades, like: “Re-create the butter.” In another, he unwrapped the battered fish, put a bite in his mouth and said, “Mmmm, tie the knot again.” Re-create populism, Johnson masters the discipline.

The slogans are memorable and show in a few words what the politician means. It would be great if you could call them singers. Barack Obama’s “Yes we can” is the best example of this in recent history. “Build Back Better” now seems more attractive – as opposed to the German translation “Besser Wiederaufbauen” – these words are not currently common only in London. New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinta Artern has used the BBB slogan several times, including former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, and these days the US Congress in Washington is discussing Joe Biden’s “Build Back Better” agenda.

In essence, the projects behind the three words are always about infrastructure, infrastructure, climate protection and so on. The slogan is so common, it goes for anything related to progress. And all that politicians want to do. Slogans that can no longer be clearly assigned are of course arbitrary, so: Who first said “Built Back Better”?

It started with Boris Johnson, Biden and three Pigs standing in a lecture printed in “Built Built Built” when it was first used by Johnson in May last year. In July, Biden joined the fray, accusing Donald Trump’s whale fight team of stealing from him. Seen in this way, they are all theft, Johnson, Biden and others, because the slogan first appeared: the 2015 UN General Assembly in Japan. During the conference, it will reduce the risk of natural disasters and reconstruction. In a press release in April 2020 on the rebuilding of the world after the outbreak, the next time the word was used was by the UN.

When SZ asked who came to the UN with the slogan, the Secretary-General’s spokesman found it “very interesting”. But it’s hard to find, this sentence is long overdue, and there is no guarantee in the end that it was actually discovered by a UN staffer. But they are “delighted” that the slogan has been “used by many leaders around the world.” The speaker says it is everyone’s responsibility to make sure those three words turn out to be true.