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UN The report re-accuses Maduro of crimes against humanity

She is Maduro
Photo: Archive

Marco Rubio, Senator In the United States, Nicolas Maduro has been reaffirmed as an executioner of crimes against humanity in Venezuela, according to the UN Security Council.

“The report makes it clear that some of Maduro’s narco-regime crimes are crimes against humanity,” Rubio wrote on his Twitter account.

Moreover, in his message, he said that the most prudent course of action now was to remove the Maduro regime from the UN Human Rights Council.

This week, the UN. Michael Bachelet, the High Commissioner for Human Rights, has released an update on the situation in Venezuela, warning that extrajudicial executions continue to escalate due to security measures.

According to the document, 14 people were killed in a security operation around La Vega in Caracas in early January.

On the other hand, he noted that since the renewal in September 2020, the blockade on access to medical services, petrol, water and gas has increased.

In addition, he criticized that the minimum wage had not reached $ 1, that the basic food basket had risen by 1,800% since last year, and that one-third of Venezuela’s population lived in food insecurity.

He warned of the prison situation and that inmates had died of tuberculosis, malnutrition and other medical conditions.

“I reiterate my call for the unconditional release of all detainees, and I welcome the new access of my office to police detention centers,” he said.

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