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Trump mocks worsening climate change

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Trump mocks climate change

Former US President Donald Trump mocked the worsening climate crisis. “We’re going to have more beachfront real estate, and that’s not the worst thing in the world,” he said during his campaign appearance.

Posted date: 5:53 am


Updated: 06:34 AM

“I have heard that the oceans are going to increase by an eighth of an inch in the next 300 years. We have bigger problems than that,” the former president said Saturday night (local time) in Anchorage, Alaska. US congressional elections are scheduled for November.

During his campaign appearances in Alaska, Trump was left open about whether he wanted to run again in the 2024 presidential election. He just declared: “We’re going to take back control of our wonderful White House.” Trump repeated his delegate claim that he was deceived into winning the 2020 election.