
Complete News World

Traffic lights in Germany - Greens announce ministerial positions - Özdemir surprise - News

Traffic lights in Germany – Greens announce ministerial positions – Özdemir surprise – News

  • Former Green Party leader Cem Ozdemir is set to become agriculture minister in a future federal government with the Social Democratic Party and the Free Democratic Party.
  • This was announced by the Green Party after hours of deliberations in the Council on Thursday evening.
  • This was preceded by a bitter struggle between Realos and the left wing over the distribution of ministerial posts.

Left-wing parliamentary group leader Tony Hofriter is not part of the hiring schedule for the top posts that 125,000 Green party members will vote on along with the coalition agreement from Friday. It was considered that he was already appointed, but now he fell in favor of Ozdemir. The leader of the Joint Parliamentary Group, Catherine Goering-Eckhardt, is also not part of the list.

Barbouk becomes Minister of Foreign Affairs

Green Leader Robert Habeck became Vice Chancellor and Minister of Climate and Energy. As expected, Co-Chair Annalena Barbock will become Secretary of State. The Ministry of Environment will take over from former Federal Director Steffi Lemke.

Rhineland-Palatinate climate minister Anne Spiegel will become family minister – a position he previously held at the state level as well. The current Vice-President of the Bundestag, Claudia Roth, is set to become Minister of State for Culture and Information.