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Threema allows it to be dismissed

Threema allows it to be dismissed

Unlike WhatsApp, Threema has not announced it will pull out of the UK if the law passes. – All rights reserved IMAGO / Photo Library

Unlike messengers such as WhatsApp and Signal, Threema is not considering pulling out of the UK. Online Security Bill Coming into effect. The lower house has already approved the controversial surveillance law, and now the final passage in the upper house is imminent.

The legislative proposal, which has been debated for some time, is intended to protect Internet users from harmful and illegal content on the Internet. Among other things, it contains provisions similar to EU plans for chat regulation. As it stands, the legislation will undermine encryption in the UK. It also prescribes monitoring obligations for online services. You should take serious notice of harmful content.

“It will be difficult to prevent use”

In December, messenger company WhatsApp threatened to leave the island if the law came into effect. It was the last one Signal announced such a move. Providers refuse to implement weakening or bypassing encryption.

Threema does not want to join these notices of walkout. A company spokesperson told that no “active withdrawal” was planned. But Threema agrees with other providers: “Under no circumstances will we weaken the security of our apps and the privacy of our users at the request of any government. Not in this case either. “

Because Threema is open source, even if Messenger is banned from app stores, it will be difficult for the UK government to block its use in the UK. The spokesman continued that the country needs to build a “great firewall” so as to put itself on the same level as authoritarian countries like North Korea, Iran or the People’s Republic of China.