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Third Trigger Check 4 1,400: There will be a new income limit

In the next few days Senate Of United States Will respond ‘American Rescue Program‘What the President proposed Joe Biden In order to impose the economic problems experienced by the citizens Americans Due to infection Corona virus, Which has been going on for about a year now.

The International spread Incredible job crisis and severe money problems left, so Congress Of To us Waiting for the end Senate.

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Remember ‘American Rescue Program‘There is a budget 9 1.9 trillion, Which will be invested in different grants for citizens, of which the third stimulus check stands alone.

Third Trigger Test: What will be the new income threshold?

Under the pressure of some members of the bench Democrat, President Biden Is considered to change the range Income. Citizens with higher incomes than , 000 100,000 dollars Adding pairs could not be taken into account as well , 000 200,000 dollars Annual income.

So, with potential changes, the limits will be reduced, and Americans who receive more than that now , 000 $ 80,000 Cannot apply, as well as over-declared couples , 000 160,000 income.

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That should be noted SenateAs of Monday, March 1st, you only have Two weeks to give final results Whether or not to approve the above plan. If approved, it will be returned House of Representatives with respective changes Must be definitively recognized.