
Complete News World

The United States and NATO turn Ukraine into a "powder keg"

The United States also wants to close the airspace of Russian planes

Biden initially did not provide any information on when the airspace would close. Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the United States, the European Union and other Western partners have already imposed severe sanctions on Russia. It mainly affects the financial system, some industries and members of Putin’s inner circle, as well as the head of the Kremlin himself.

Several countries in Europe have already made progress by closing their airspace to Russian aircraft at the weekend. On Sunday, the European Union Commission finally proposed closing the entire airspace to the community. “We are proposing a ban on all aircraft owned by Russia, registered in Russia or controlled by Russia,” said European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. Switzerland has also largely closed its airspace to Russian aircraft.

In response to the airspace closure, Russia’s aviation authority Rosawiazija announced on Monday that aircraft from Germany and 35 other countries will not be allowed to fly over Russia in the future. There may be exceptions with a special permit from the Russian Foreign Ministry, for example.

The German regulation took effect at the weekend and affects flights to Germany and flights, the Federal Ministry of Transport announced. Humanitarian flights are exempt from the ban. According to the ministry, the ban will initially apply for a period of three months.

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