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The British, Italians and Japanese sealed the deal for a new fighter jet

The British, Italians and Japanese sealed the deal for a new fighter jet


Updated on December 14, 2023 at 10:58 am

The joint development of a new stealth fighter between Great Britain, Italy and Japan has taken a step forward. Defense ministers of the three countries signed the agreement in the Japanese capital, Tokyo, the Ministry of Defense in London announced on Thursday. The development center will be set up in the United Kingdom, according to the statement.

More current news

A new supersonic fighter jet called the Tempest is scheduled for delivery by 2035 and will replace the Eurofighter, known in the UK as the Typhoon. The development project is scheduled to start in 2025. The plan is fundamental to “the future stability of Euro-Atlantic and Indo-Pacific and wider global security”.

As a result, the stealth fighter will be equipped with the latest technology such as radar that provides 10,000 times more data than current systems. The aircraft is designed to be one of the most modern, flexible and connected fighter jets in the world.
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