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The Boris Johnson and James Tyson lobby affair in Great Britain

D.He’s vacuum cleaner billionaire James Tyson, Britain’s richest man, always good for political controversy. When a declared Brexit supporter moved the leader of his group and his residence to Singapore two years ago, Brexit’s opponents immediately withdrew. Here is evidence that wealthy Brexit supporters have fled the UK. A few days ago, 73-year-old Tyson returned to the British Isles as a tax collector.

Meanwhile, another issue is sparking political debate. Personal text messages between Tyson and the Prime Minister Boris Johnson Critics have leaked allegations that Johnson provided political assistance to a Tory donor. The government vehemently denies that there was anything wrong with the exchange. In particular, it was about the fact that Tyson delivered in March 2020 – the catastrophic first corona wave to build thousands of ventilators for its victims with the Korean disease, along with its engineers. However, he demanded that this should not cause additional tax burden. Johnson responded to “James” via WhatsApp in a familiar tone, with “Rishi” (Treasury Secretary Sunak) taking care of it.

“Felt, felt, felt”

The opposition is quick to link the Tyson-Johnson exchange to corruption in the Greens involving former Tory prime minister. David Cameron He wanted to provide assistance and concessions to Lex Greens, now a bankrupt financier, through intense campaigning at the Treasury and the Bank of England. In addition, contracts were awarded to entrepreneurs who were close to the Johnson government during the Corona crisis. Labor leader Khair Stormer blamed.

However he acknowledged that their numbers were not enough to defeat Tyson’s government. He “will not apologize in any way for moving heaven and earth.” In the emergency situation of the rising corona epidemic a year ago, the government wanted to buy ventilators soon. Tyson’s company said the project would cost $ 20 million; He did not receive any funds from the taxpayers. Independent observers may find minor insults in this case. “Tyson has acted wisely so that he and his team do not lag behind if something is done in an emergency,” said Bronven Maddox, director of the Government of Think Tanks. However, he finds himself having Johnson’s personal smartphone, which old acquaintances can use to reach him, which is complicated.