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The all-new characters Yun Jin and Shenhe have finally been announced!  •

The all-new characters Yun Jin and Shenhe have finally been announced! •

Both characters have been surfing the net in leaks for the past year, and now they’re official: Yeon Jin and Shinhee have joined the Jinshin squad. The two female characters are the star of the geographical stage and the exorcist.

Yun Jin is a Liyue figure and a true artist: as a singer, dancer, and conductor of the Yun-Han Opera Company, she is an integral part of the port city’s cultural landscape. According to Lori Genshin, the good girl appears frequently at the Heyu tea house and keeps the house full. Appropriately, she is described as a brilliant person who is always ready for a joke.

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Battling in, it’s a geography character with polar figures, but the number of stars you’ll get isn’t official yet. The rumors are based on previous leaks that are likely to be a 4 stars character It will be, but there’s nothing official about it.

The accompanying five-star character within the same sign could be the quiet and reclusive Shenhe, which was also recently revealed. She also fights with pole bar and icy freeze attacks.

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In terms of Lore, she comes from the Exorcist’s clan, but is now under the guiding wing of the powerful bird-shaped goddess (or archon) Cloud Retainer, known among other things from Liyue’s Archon story.

Well, another Creo character creates a kind of imbalance in the distribution, if you count the number of numbers of the elements represented. Fairly icy representatives in the majority. The new Shenhe seems to have an elegant design and an enigmatic personality. Early leaks of the two characters last year in particular haven’t detracted from the hype – quite the contrary. In any case, raves about the two are done on social media – for example on Twitter.

It’s possible that both numbers will be added as part of the 2.4 update, i.e. early 2022, even if there is no official release date for them yet. But we are now in update 2.3, which will go live this morning with two new characters. Preloading new content is already running.