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Tesla chief denies Gigafactory in Russia, confirms site search>

As it is known, Tesla does not have a traditional press division – but with Elon Musk, there is a CEO, if necessary, who takes on this task as well. He usually does it his unorthodox way, but on Monday he made the statement in a dry, informative fashion sent back by regular companies: “Tesla has not yet decided on a fourth location for the Gigafactory,” the CEO wrote on Twitter. In doing so, he denied a report that the company decided to build a huge plant in Russia.

Denial and affirmation by Musk

Unlike regular press officials, Musk did not respond to inquiries afterwards. This left open the question, among other things, of why he was writing about Tesla’s “fourth” Giga factory. According to the previous count, there are already three of them and two more are on the verge of completion. Tesla used to refer to its battery plant with Panasonic in the US state of Nevada as Gigafactory 1, or GF1 for short, while number 2 was the plant in New York that was acquired by Solarcity. Tesla has built its third mega-factory in China, and production should start soon with numbers 4 and 5 in Grünheide, Germany, and in Texas (inside is seen in the photo above).

It’s possible that the factories that make electric cars are the only ones that make electric cars. It’s a huge Musk factory. The mother plant in Fremont, California, was never given that name – Tesla invented the term battery production on the gigawatt-hour scale, and Fremont is getting ready-made battery packs from Nevada. In any case, the Tesla boss’s rejection of Russia’s plans was also a kind of assurance that another giant factory would come.

First, Musk used the word “still,” indicating that there is an ongoing decision-making process on the subject. Second, reports from different parts of the world continue to report that Tesla is negotiating a potential settlement there. There have been frequent reports of site offerings from Great Britain, as well as from India (and From Indonesia, where Tesla should only care about batteries). And third, Tesla will soon need much more production capacity in order to meet its forecast of an average volume growth of 50 percent over several years.

Many countries want Tesla factories

Before Musk’s narrow denial, the local newspaper Argumenti reported the alleged decision in favor of Russia. Sources in the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Chamber of Commerce confirmed this. Tesla should have chosen Korolev as a location, located near Moscow and named after missile researcher Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, whose name also bears a room at SpaceX, Musk’s second billionaire. According to Argumenti, the Kremlin chose the site because of its symbolic importance. The Tesla boss must actually like it – but other countries are also making interesting performances, his Twitter message can be seen indirectly.