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Switzerland, the expat destination, is losing popularity – here’s why

Switzerland, the expat destination, is losing popularity – here’s why

epa11386764 People carry umbrellas and bags to protect themselves from the rain as they cross Paradeplatz square on a rainy day in Zurich, Switzerland, June 3, 2024. EPA/Michael Buholzer

Switzerland, a destination for expatriates, is losing popularity. The main reasons are the closed social environment and the high cost of housing.Image: Cornerstone

Switzerland is less popular among skilled foreign workers than it actually is. Despite the high quality of life, according to a survey by expat platform Internations, many skilled workers find it difficult to find connections in Switzerland.

According to a study published on Wednesday, Switzerland ranked 34th out of 53 countries. Last year, Switzerland ranked 23rd.

The country continued to score highly for quality of life and wage levels. However, those surveyed rated housing and social life as somewhat difficult.

Living conditions are a headache for many expatriates. About 63% rated housing costs negatively.

Finding a connection is hard.

The overall poor performance is also explained by the low openness of the population. Expats will have difficulty getting used to the local culture and will not feel welcome in the country.

Less than half, 46%, said that people in Switzerland were friendly to foreigners. 62% said that it was difficult to find local friends.

Most expats are financially satisfied with their situation. At least 58% of them said that their total annual income is at least $100,000.

Foreign professionals also rate the technical and administrative aspects of life in Switzerland positively. For example, the easy access to broadband Internet, access to online services and the availability of online administrative services were praised. (sda/awp)

The turbulent history of Swiss mobile communications


The turbulent history of Swiss mobile communications

“Where’s the biiiish!?” Watson presents milestones in the history of Swiss mobile communications.

Source: Keystone/Martin Roytsch

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