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Swisscom Exotic Strong Poker

Swisscom Exotic Strong Poker


Swisscom is blocking a fiber optic project in remote areas – that’s weird

21 Rural communities in Lucerne want to build a fiber optic network on their own. But Swisscom gets in the way. One might expect different behavior from a state-owned company.

The hinterland of Lucerne and the Entelbuch region lagged behind technologically. This is not only a problem for the population, but also for a large number of businesses, almost all of which rely on online services. The “Prioris” project seeks to solve this problem – and promises to use fiber optics in the home for all residents of 21 communities in the western canton of Lucerne. Swisscom, meanwhile, is making its own plans and wants to push ahead with the same expansion – but only within the most lucrative settlement centers.

It is curious that Swisscom is supposedly blocking the expansion of Prioris. Finally, the group, which is majority owned by the federal government, is undermining a project independently initiated by municipalities. In addition, as an internet provider, Swisscom can also benefit from “Prioris” lines. Additionally, the primary supplier clearly lacks incentives to open remote homes.

From 2024, Swisscom’s basic service mandate will now include a transmission rate of 80Mbps – that’s quite a bit. Even worse: exceptions should be possible in peripherals. In times of the cloud, home office, and broadcast, these are unacceptable speeds. Peripheral areas also have the right to internet speed – this should be reflected in the base service mandate.