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Serb extremists storm the Yarenje border with Kosovo

A video showing an escalation at the Yarenji border crossing

Right-wing Serbs storm Kosovo’s borders

The conflict between Serbia and Kosovo threatens to escalate. Recent video footage shows masked Serb extremists trying to storm Kosovo’s border in Järenje. Some of the protesters are also said to have ties to Russia.


The conflict between Serbia and Kosovo escalated again more than a week ago.

The conflict between Serbia and Kosovo is coming to a head again. After Serbian military convoys were seen heading towards Kosovo, Serbia made an attempt to invade Kosovo with about 1,000 army personnel. The recordings are now circulating online again, which is causing concern.

According to local media, the video shows Serb extremists trying to storm Kosovo’s borders. The demonstrators are said to have gathered on the Serbian side near the border crossing in Järenje (Kosovo) to march into Kosovo from there. As the recordings show, dozens of demonstrators – masked and equipped with the Serbian flag – took part in the operation. A banner read: “Kosovo has no borders, it is Serbia”.