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Royal handover of keys.  Frogmore Cottage: Harry and Meghan have to leave the field in England

Royal handover of keys. Frogmore Cottage: Harry and Meghan have to leave the field in England

Harry and Meghan have moved out of their English home, Frogmore Cottage. This was confirmed by the palace employee.

Peter DeJonge/AP

Harry and Meghan packed up and moved out of Frogmore Cottage. A Buckingham Palace spokesman confirmed the news.

no time? Blue News sums it up for you

  • Harry and Meghan are going through hard times. After the premature end of Spotify, they have now cleared Frogmore Cottage on the instructions of the royal palace and moved out.
  • Harry received the royal residence from his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II.
  • The property was remodeled for CHF 2.6 million.

2023 is not a good year for Harry and Meghan. At the beginning of the year, they were formally ordered out of their English residence, Frogmore Cottage.

property given to him by his beloved grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II.

The 38-year-old spruced up the home for CHF 2.1 million. Frogmore Cottage was Harry and Meghan’s first home together in the UK. Now they’re finally gone.

King Charles III confirmed the staff

Chief Financial Adviser to King Charles III. (74), Michael Stephens has publicly commented on moving out of Frogmore Cottage: “We can confirm that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have moved out of Frogmore Cottage,” he explains.

Michael Stephens continues: “We will not go into detail here, only to say that, as previously mentioned, the expenses in connection with the renovation of Frogmore Cottage were paid by the Duke and Duchess by the Sovereign Grant, so that the Crown enjoys vastly improved assets.”

The Sovereign Grant is a fund of government money for the monarchy.

Who is moving into the hut now?

Frogmore Cottage was bought by Queen Victoria in the 19th century. The property is owned by the occupied royal palaces. These royal buildings are funded by British taxpayers.

It remains unclear who will move on after Harry and Meghan, a royal adviser said.

Rumor has it that King Charles III. He wanted to depose his brother, Prince Andrew, there. Prince Andrew has not been known since the Epstein case and is currently staying at the 7-bedroom Royal Lodge. King Charles III wanted to persuade him to move to Frogmore Cottage. So far, however, to no avail.

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