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Romania tops the group, Belgium takes second place – the Ukrainians are eliminated

Romania tops the group, Belgium takes second place – the Ukrainians are eliminated

It is now clear who will advance to the knockout stage: Romania secured their group win with a 1-1 draw with Slovakia, who finished third and qualified.

Second place goes to Belgium, which drew 0-0 with Ukraine. Murr: The Ukrainian national team was eliminated, although all teams in Group E earned four points.

All teams continue to lead until the end of the first half. No goals were scored between Ukraine and Belgium.

The “Red Devils” had more control over the match at the beginning, and Lukaku failed after a wonderful pass from De Bruyne. The Ukrainians will get stronger until the end of the first half, but they will remain harmless.

In the parallel match, the Slovaks set the example: after 24 minutes, Duda scored with a header to take the lead. Soon after, the Romanians equalized: Marin scored from a penalty kick. After 45 minutes, the Romanians won the group, with Belgium in second place. The Slovaks occupy third place and the tournament ends for Ukraine.

After the break, the Belgians increased the pace of the game. But they could not score a goal. In the parallel match, the Slovaks started better after the break, but Romanian Marin had the best chances. After the 64th minute, Romanian goalkeeper Neta was called to confront Stielek.

In the match against Belgium, the Ukrainians increased their pressure in the final phase: Dovbek only hit the side netting. Shortly afterwards, Belgium goalkeeper Casteels was wide awake on a corner kick.

Due to heavy rainfall in Frankfurt, the quality between Romania and Slovakia decreases significantly. In addition: with a 0-0 draw, both teams qualified for the 2024 European Championship. So not much can be done in stoppage time, unlike the parallel game.

Sudakov gives Ukraine a 1-0 lead after a beautiful solo goal – a goal that would have turned everything upside down. But it remains 0-0 and thus the Ukrainians are eliminated from the European Championship. However, the Belgians were booed by their fans for their performance.