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“Raw Harassment”: Men adopt strange travel directions when flying

“Raw Harassment”: Men adopt strange travel directions when flying

Doing nothing for hours takes a toll on your core – and this is still a new direction of travel.


The new travel trend “raw hassle” requires great endurance and economy from passengers on board. Without distraction and rest, you will reach your mental limits.

no time? Blue News sums it up for you

  • Planted boredom is a new trend of travel when flying.
  • The term “raw harassment” means that any kind of entertainment on board is frowned upon, as is sleeping or eating.
  • Men in particular are celebrating this trend on social media.

How about doing nothing during a long flight except staring at your boarding pass or simply at the back of the front seat. No music, no broadcast, no food, no sleep. Sound boring? But this is the current trend among frequent travelers.

More and more passengers find it desirable to do without all the modern conveniences of flying – especially men. The trend toward self-imposed mental and physical starvation is making a name for itself on social media under the term “raw harassment.” Unlike other tricks designed to calm people with a fear of flying, “crude teasing” is about mental and physical boundaries.

“I just completed a seven-hour flight,” Woodenie, the British DJ, boasted to his more than 13.2 million TikTok viewers.New York Post». “No headphones, no movie, no water, nothing.” “Unbelievable,” he added. “The power of my soul knows no bounds.”

Australian musician Torren Foote also celebrated his fun-free 15-hour flight to Los Angeles in a video that went viral. He remembers the trip as the longest he has ever taken without rest or entertainment. “No music, no movies, just the ticket,” Foote wrote.

The anti-immersion phenomenon is loosely attributed to Idris Elba's character Sam Nelson in the Apple TV+ series Hijacked. In the seven-part anthology, the 50-year-old hero endures a more than seven-hour flight from Dubai to London with no amenities when crooks confiscate his Airbus.