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Die US-Nationalspielerinnen Megan Rapinoe (l.) und Alex Morgan (r.) haben sich lange gegen Diskriminierung gewehrt.

Pay equity is a ‘reasonable solution’: American footballers can hope for millions

American football players face the prospect of paying millions. A district court on Thursday approved a proposed $24 million settlement between the players and the federation. The final decision should be made on the 5th of December. “Importantly, the undisputed settlement fulfills the plaintiffs’ objective in litigation: equal pay. The Court is satisfied that the settlement is a fair and reasonable solution,” she said in a statement.


In May, the US Soccer Federation and the women’s and men’s national team associations agreed to a historic wage agreement that guarantees all players equal pay, including bonuses, in the future. This was preceded by a year-long legal battle as the players, led by Megan Rapinoe and Alex Morgan, resisted discrimination. Lawyers will now submit a list of eligible players to the court.

The two parties had already agreed on the $24 million in February. $2 million of that should flow into a fund that helps players beyond their careers and promotes women’s football.

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