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Panama: A pilot with a medical emergency dies after landing

Panama: A pilot with a medical emergency dies after landing


A pilot has a medical emergency and dies after landing

During a flight from Miami to Santiago de Chile, a pilot suffered a medical emergency and died after landing in Panama. Despite medical attention, his life could not be saved.


The medical emergency occurred on board a LATAM flight. (Icon picture)

IMAGO / Fotoarena

  • A pilot suffered a medical emergency on a flight from Miami to Santiago de Chile and died after an unscheduled landing.

  • Despite medical attention on the ground, the pilot’s life could not be saved.

  • LATAM Airlines sent condolences to the pilot’s family and arranged a connecting flight for the passengers.

A pilot suffered a medical emergency while flying from Miami to Santiago de Chile and died after a hard landing. The plane changed course due to an emergency and landed at the capital’s airport Tocumen in Panamalike many media, citing a statement from LATAM Airlines Reported on Tuesday (local time). Despite medical attention on the ground, the pilot died. It was not immediately known why he needed medical attention.

“Painful and unexpected”

According to the statement, the airline expressed its condolences to the pilot’s family and described the incident as a “painful and unexpected situation.” All necessary safety precautions were taken during the flight to save the man’s life.

The man had reportedly been working for LATAM for 25 years. He was one of three pilots on flight LA505. The plane took off from the US city of Miami on Monday night and was scheduled to land in Santiago de Chile early Tuesday morning. According to the announcement, the airline has organized a connecting flight from Panama to Santiago de Chile for the respective passengers.

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