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Olbey: This is currently happening in the shadow of Kurkölner Platz

Olbey: This is currently happening in the shadow of Kurkölner Platz

The City of Olby is currently checking the condition of its buildings. Heavy equipment is used – and almost unnoticed by the public.

Although they are physically hardworking, BPF’s Stefan Alzer and Christian Gross have certainly been feeling it the past few days: while temperatures in sunny areas easily exceed 40 degrees and 30 degrees were not uncommon in offices without a desk. Air conditioners, specialists cut their work in the Wallmenroth district of the Altenkirchen district not only a workplace in the shade, but even one with water cooling. Immediately below Kurkölner Platz in Olpe, on the banks of the Olpebach, they were working to extract four drilling cores with heavy equipment. The temperatures here are a nice 20 degrees, and during breaks from work the Olpebach rave makes you feel almost idyllic.

Drill cores pulled from a bridge in 1946

The stream, which comes from Kleusheim and crosses the city and is built up before it flows directly into Bigge, disappears directly behind the Weierhohl under a bridge unrecognizable from the outside, but merges into a cantilever running upwards that spans Kölner Strasse and Olpe appears again only in the inner courtyard of a block of the houses behind Juwelier Schöne and Spielwaren Sondermann. “During a period of regular structural observation, it is time to take a closer look at these structures,” explained Kristen Spern of Olby’s Department of Civil Engineering when asked by our editors.

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On the other hand, BPF was consulted by Wallmenroth, who pulled drill cores from the bridge built in 1946. On the other hand, the town’s building depot is crowded: on the edge of the Korkölner Platz, interlocking stone pavers have been lifted from the test area and a layer removed Basic paving with the help of an excavator up the overhanging creek that was built in 1948. Experts can use the so-called “head hole” to assess the condition of the structure underneath. Together with the results that the laboratory provides by examining the drill cores, the Civil Engineering Office receives a report on the condition of the buildings under the Kurkölner Platz that are hidden from public view.

More articles from this category can be found here: Kreis Olpe