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No compensation from Volkswagen for owners of Swiss diesel cars

No compensation from Volkswagen for owners of Swiss diesel cars

The French-speaking Swiss consumer organisation, Fédération romande des consommateurs (FRC), issued a statement on Saturday evening responding to a report by French-language radio and television station RTS. According to the FRC, the plaintiffs were hoping to receive compensation between 1,600 and 5,000 euros.

It is a scandal that, given the criminally convicted officials, the Swiss are practically the only ones who cannot be compensated in the Volkswagen case, said Sophie Michaud-Guigon, Secretary General of the Federal Football Board, on Saturday evening, on the French-language Swiss channel. RTS broadcaster.

By the end of 2017, more than 2,000 people had surrendered their rights to myRight in a class action lawsuit brought against the German car manufacturer by a Berlin law firm.

After the first failure by a German-speaking owner, the platform decided not to fight for the Swiss because the upfront costs were also too high, noted Sophie Michaud-Guigon.

According to the FRC, the Volkswagen Group has already spent nearly 30 billion francs on compensation and legal costs. In 2018, a lawsuit brought by the German Federation of Consumer Organizations (VZBV) resulted in a settlement for 260,000 customers. Compensation ranged between 1,350 and 6,257 euros per person.