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Nitz is amazed by the Bulgarian princess's muscles

Nitz is amazed by the Bulgarian princess's muscles

Princess Kalina of Bulgaria is almost unrecognizable. The blue-blooded woman is stunning the internet with her muscular transformation.

Princess Kalina is surprising the Internet with her appearance. -X

The basics in a nutshell

  • Bulgarian princess Kalina suddenly became muscular from head to toe.
  • Her transformation causes bad comments online.
  • Now the 52-year-old is speaking out and defending herself.

Princess Kalina of Bulgaria (52 years old) is currently making headlines. The reason for this? Your muscle transformation!

Antonio's wife Ketin Muñoz (65) made her first public appearance in a long time in May. Since then, there has been a lot of talk online about her new look.

Because the princess is suddenly toned from head to toe. Her big biceps in particular catch the eye. Users on the Internet were amazed by Kalina's appearance.

“You probably spend a lot of time in the gym.”

“Amazing, she has the arms of a man,” someone commented on her athletic figure. “You probably spend a lot of time at the gym,” says another user.

But not everyone likes the muscular appearance of nobles. “She was so beautiful,” says one person. “And now?” “She looks like a monster,” they say poorly.

After all these reports, Princess Kalina has now spoken out herself. She defends herself: “I am committed to strength training and the health of my body. She is said to have said: “I am an athlete.”

Opinion poll

Do you do a lot of strength training?

Yes, I have a lot of muscle!


No, that's not my thing.


This is not the first time that the appearance of Bulgarian Princess Kalina has caused a stir. Her nose has also been reported several times. Because it has changed a lot in recent years.

For a long time it was said that a failed plastic surgery destroyed the princess's face. But her husband, Antonio Kitín Muñoz, later denied these bad speculations to the Spanish magazine “Hola”.

“Ridiculous theories are nothing but misinformation.”

The 65-year-old stressed that “all the ridiculous theories about the various surgeries and cosmetic treatments performed by Kalina are nothing more than misleading information.”

Accordingly, Kalina broke her front teeth at the age of eight and had crowns installed while she was studying. Her dentist drilled deep into the base of the bone, creating an infection. During a subsequent operation, the princess's nose was injured.

Antonio Kitén Munoz Valcarcel, his wife, Princess Calina, and their son in 2007. (Archive photo) – keystone

In 2002, Kalina again suffered a facial infection while on a ship expedition. “At first it seemed like a little problem,” said husband Kitten Muñoz. One of the sailors asked her to wash herself every day with a mixture of sea water and fresh water.

But despite antibiotics and painkillers, Kalina's condition worsened and eventually affected part of her face.

He added: “We had to evacuate her urgently and she underwent surgery (…). The priority was to eliminate the infection. But the procedure caused cosmetic damage that was insignificant at the time. “The most important thing was to save the eyes and nose,” says Ketin Muñoz.