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NFL: New York Giants predict Platzgomer

NFL: New York Giants predict Platzgomer


The New York Giants announced Monday they had signed off on Sandro Platzgmire. After a season on the International Player Pathway with the Giants, the 24-year-old Tyrolean now has a chance to secure a permanent spot in the four-time Super Bowl Champions squad (most recently 2011) for the next season.

Until then, the road will be tough and rocky for Platzgumer, who has already returned to the United States. Especially in pre-season matches, Innsbrucker has to make a good impression in order to fulfill his NFL dream. AFBÖ President Michael Eschlebock is confident Platzgummer will jump into the final giants squad.

The New York Giants seem to have realized Sandro’s potential. His “water wings” are now gone, the protection from the wounds he enjoyed through the International Player Path program, but we all know what’s in there. Quoted by Ischlebock on Monday’s broadcast if anyone can to do that.

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It’ll be exciting soon for Thomas Schaeffer, who signed up for the NFL draft at the end of April after graduating from Stanford University. For Bernard Secovets and Leo Misangomokini, it is envisioned to secure a spot on the International Player Track program, which has also passed Platzgummer. Vikings players eagerly await news from the NFL after their home camp.