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Migros chairman Irminger gathers his colleagues around him – inside Paradeplatz

Migros chairman Irminger gathers his colleagues around him – inside Paradeplatz

Word of the “Irminger boys” is spreading in Migros. This refers to those close to the top boss of a retail group getting influential jobs.

This is how the person who was chosen last week came about. Head of the Department “Economic Policy and Sustainability” From Diner's stable.

Irminger “Boy” I: C. Rohrer (LinkedIn)

The person Mario Irminger himself also comes from. Christopher Rohrer, as the promoted person is called, was previously 15 years discountWhich belongs to Migros.

Irminger has done this before One of Diner's close associates He was brought into his immediate corporate development team.

However, he only worked at the cheap Migros for a short time, meeting Irminger on his last day at Dinner.

Erminger – the second “boy” (B. Flückiger; LinkedIn)

Through personal details, the CEO of Migros Cooperative (MGB) tries to consolidate his power.

This is not at the head of the MGB, but outside in the ten Migros regions: with the “princes” there.

This can be seen in the election of the president of Migros Zurich, Jörg Blunci, as the new president of Migros Are – after heavy losses.

The Irminger boys are tasked with scoring points in selected areas and thus strengthening their boss in infighting.

“Economic Policy” is about Migros’ image in politics, and corporate development should lead the faltering giant to promising paths for the future.

Leaning Tower of Limmatplatz (IP)

So far, Irminger has not had a good handle on personal details. In Basel, the president speaks there, and he is also part of his inner circle.

Several senior managers have recently left ship under the leadership of Anita Weckerlein, the name of Basel's director.

Ironically, at the top of HR, bosses were exchanging reins. Another member of management in charge of real estate has disappeared.

As does the top financier. All three continue to list their best jobs at Migros on LinkedIn.

“The departure has individual reasons,” a Migros Basel spokeswoman wrote when asked. “We will not explain this further for data protection reasons.”

Belongs to the “Mario” team (A. Weckerlin; LinkedIn)

Anita Wickerlein sits briefly Diner is on the board of directors. I got the mandate after Mario Irminger became the new head of the MGB headquarters in Zurich.

Irminger had previously used the operational mace in Denner for years. So the Weckherlin VR appointment bears the signature of Captain Migros.

He wants to turn the slow-burning giant into a kind of super-diner: a streamlined, affordable range with which Dutti's dog can take on rivals Aldi and Lidl.

Denner's colleagues and close associates, such as the Basel mayor, should help. She was speaking because Migros had given her husband, a Lidl manager, a place in a cooperative in central Switzerland.