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Meltdown During 'Schlager-Fun': Andy Borg Experiences Awkward Moment

Meltdown During 'Schlager-Fun': Andy Borg Experiences Awkward Moment

Andy Borg is a staple in the pop world and now a fixture on television. He has been on the show since 2018. SWR “Schlager-Fun with Andy Borg”. However, there was an awkward moment during one of his performances. The 63-year-old tried to cover up the situation. Read the transcript to find out exactly what happened.

Awkward Moment During 'Schlager-Fun': Andy Borg Blames Downtime on Technical Issue

As with many successful shows, playback is also used in “Schlager-Fun mit Andy Borg”. The background music, to which the singers only need to silently move their lips, has led to many unfortunate incidents. And now it has happened again.

The Austrian was singing his song “Cara Mia” when suddenly a breakdown occurred. At minute 37:43, Andy Borg sings into his microphone and forms “Cara Mia” with his lips, but no text is played on the tape, only the music is played, as in Answer-Media library for tracking.

Andy Borg, whose real name is Adolf, is a show business professional who cleverly covers up the mistake: he acts as if the microphone is broken. Shortly afterwards, the line he missed comes out, and he doesn't allow himself to get any more angry and starts singing as if nothing happened.

By the way: Andy Borg has many loyal fans. But what annoyed her was that his show was often cancelled at short notice. Once it was cancelled because of Helen Fisher's show.

Although he loves his job, the Austrian reveals that fame and notoriety also have their downsides. However, he doesn't let himself get discouraged and that's why Andy Borg likes to experiment with his songs and rewrite his song “Adios Amor”. His fans were less enthusiastic and more confused. (Fig)