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Lollipop Chainsaw RePOP: New version with release date and new trailer

Lollipop Chainsaw RePOP: New version with release date and new trailer

As is known, Dragami Games has been working on a Lollipop Chainsaw remake for some time. Aside from the announcement, there hasn't been anything to hear for a long time, and now we've been hit with a double whammy with a new trailer and release date.

With Lollipop Chainsaw, a title was released in 2012 that often resembles a fever dream. It's no surprise, after all, that Suda51 and James Gunn were largely responsible for the game's design. The fan favorite game is now very old and Dragami Games decided to develop a new version.

>> The 10 worst remakes of the game: Better watch the original again!

It has the rich name Lollipop Chainsaw: RePOP and until now we didn't know anything more about it. But now there is not only a first trailer showing several gameplay scenes that you can find within this news. We've been given a release date of September 25, 2024.

The plan is set to release worldwide on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, Switch, and PC via Steam. Japanese gamers can also look forward to physical releases on PlayStation 5 and Nintendo Switch. The latter will also likely offer German audio output if you want to collect and access the games.

Lollipop Chainsaw RePOP will have two popular versions of the original, and according to Suda51, you can switch between the two versions. By the way, the creative chief is not involved in the remake himself. There are also some quality of life improvements and graphical upgrades.

But Dragami Games doesn't skimp on new content either. For example, new chainsaws are promised. In Real Time Attack mode, you can also test your speed and compete with other players.

Lollipop Chainsaw RePOP – First trailer for the new release

Lollipop Chainsaw will be released in September in an essentially revised version. Here you will get a first look.