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Linda Evangelista announces two cancer diagnoses

Linda Evangelista announces two cancer diagnoses

Former fashion model

“Everything that comes now is a bonus” – Linda Evangelista has cancer

Former model Linda Evangelista has spoken out for the first time about her long battle with cancer. She received the horror diagnosis twice.


Linda Evangelista, as it is only now known, was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2018.

Imago/Zuma Press

  • Linda Evangelista has been diagnosed with breast cancer twice in recent years.

  • Her prognosis now looks “good” again, but not yet “great.”

  • Only a few people knew about her cancer.

Former model Linda Evangelista (58 years old) revealed that she had suffered from breast cancer twice in the past. Evangelista, who founded the supermodel sensation in the 1990s alongside pals like Cindy Crawford, 57, and Naomi Campbell, 53, describes her long ordeal in the Wall Street Journal.

Accordingly, her cancer was first discovered in 2018 during her “annual mammogram.” “Without hesitation, I initially decided to have a bilateral mastectomy because I wanted to leave everything behind and not have to deal with it.” “Breast cancer won’t kill me,” the model told herself.

Linda Evangelista’s new breast cancer diagnosis

But just a few years later, in July 2022, she felt another lump in her breast. Given the second diagnosis, she said she asked the oncologist to “drill a hole” in her chest. “I don’t want it to look pretty. I want you to dig it. I want to see a hole in my chest when you’re done. Do you understand me? I’m not dying from it,” the 58-year-old says now, recalling the conversation they had at the time.

Her prognosis now seems “good,” but unfortunately it is not “great.” She will have to live with a relatively high risk of the disease coming back in the future. “I know my feet are in the grave, but I’m in quite the celebratory mood,” Evangelista revealed of the forecast, adding: “I’m so happy to be alive. Everything that comes now is a bonus.”

She kept her cancer private

The former model has only now gone public with his story of suffering: “I kept it a secret. Only a handful of people knew.” Evangelista chose this very private path because she’s not “one of those people who has to share everything.” “I thought I would share this with you one day, but as I’m going through it, not at all.” It is now clear that that time has come.

Linda Evangelista has been in recent years After failed cosmetic treatment She retired from the public eye, but returned to the catwalk in 2022 during New York Fashion Week. At that time she was walking for Fendi. Just a few weeks ago, Evangelista appeared with fellow former models Naomi Campbell, Cindy Crawford and Christy Turlington, 54, on the September cover of Vogue.

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(Rob, Spot On)