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Kushler in the Race Across America

Kushler in the Race Across America


The Race Across America – a bicycle race across the USA – is being held again this year with Salzburg participating: Küchel's Dominik Mayrhofer (Teningau) has been making his way from the west coast of California to the east coast to Atlantic City in New Jersey ever since. Tuesday.

In what he describes as the toughest bike race in the world, there are no stages, but everything is done at once. It goes through deserts, over the Rocky Mountains, basically across the USA: “Well, I can only tell you, out here in this desert in Borrego Springs, just because of the scenery, I think the race is worth it for the drive.” Mayrhofer.

On Friday morning (European time) he finished third in the individual standings for the Race across America. Austrian extreme athlete Lukas Kaufmann was in the lead – more on that in Debutant Kaufman is clearly moving forward at Race Across America (; June 14, 2024).

A photo series containing 4 photos


Dominik Mayrhofer makes his way from the West Coast of the United States to the East in extreme bike racing
Dominik Mayrhofer on his bike at the start of the Race Across America


It started Tuesday afternoon in California
Dominik Mayrhofer on his bike at dusk in the Race Across America


Participants drive well at night
Dominik Mayrhofer before a sleepover in the motorhome at the Race Across America


Rest and sleep periods are short

A support team of twelve people

After a long and intense preparation period in Salzburg, the go-ahead was given on the Pacific coast on Tuesday afternoon local time. To support Dominik Mayrhofer, a team of twelve people is present in all departments – consisting of a doctor, friends and family. Tasks are distributed differently: “My job is to make sure we get across America with the truck,” said Alois Rothensteiner, driver of the support vehicle, for example.

Race Across America with Mayerhofer

Travel time is long, recovery times are short – including short sleep periods in the motorhome. Friday morning CET, Dominik Mayrhofer was traveling in western Colorado – more than 1,500 kilometers from the start. There are only 3,500 kilometers left to the finish.