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How Joe Biden tests China in terms of climate protection

FIt is three weeks since the US President arrived Joe Biden Chinese President Xi Jinping has been invited to the 39th Virtual Climate Summit. The meeting is scheduled to take place next week. Xi Jinping has not yet agreed. He knows that without China, the world’s largest greenhouse emitter, there would be no progress in climate protection. How Beijing wants to use this lever is ready to work together on climate protection despite tense relations with the United States under any circumstances.

Friedrich Page

Political correspondent for China, North Korea and Mongolia.

U.S. Climate Commissioner John Kerry Must arrive in Shanghai on Wednesday evening for a three-day stay. He is the first senior government official to visit China since Biden took office. Before leaving, Kerry confirmed that he wanted to negotiate emissions issues separately from all other conflicts. “The climate issue is an independent issue. It has not been exchanged for other important differences we have with China,” he told the Wall Street Journal.

A green face?

It is uncertain whether Beijing will be involved. In January, the State Department apparently rejected Kerry’s approach. “Unlike flowers that can bloom in a greenhouse despite the winter cold, cooperation between China and the United States in private areas is closely linked to overall bilateral relations,” said spokesman Zhao Lijian at the time. No one can expect China’s support on global issues while interfering in China’s internal affairs.

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The report sent Biden’s administration under test on Wednesday by sending another delegation at the same time as Kerry’s visit: former Deputy Foreign Ministers Richard Armitage and James Steinberg and former Senator Chris Todd made an “unofficial” visit to Taiwan. The White House says Python wants to send a “personal signal” of its commitment to Taiwan. From a Chinese perspective, such visits are a diplomatic improvement for the government in Taipei, which it considers separatists.