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Heat wave - dead after record heat in western Canada

Heat wave – dead after record heat in western Canada

Heatwave – Dead After Record Heat in Western Canada – News – SRF

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  • The heat wave has caused many deaths in western Canada.
  • According to the Canadian National Police, the dead are mostly elderly people.
  • Many air-conditioned centers have been set up in Vancouver where people can take refuge from the heat.

Local authorities followed up more than 25 reports of sudden deaths within 24 hours. The Canadian National Police announced on Tuesday.

The police called on residents to pay special attention to vulnerable groups. Police in Vancouver stressed that it was important for residents to take care of each other in this sweltering heat.

New temperature record in Canada

In Leyton, Canada, in the province of British Columbia, 47.9 degrees Celsius was measured on Monday. This is the highest temperature ever measured in the country. Already on Sunday in Lytton with a score of 46.6, the old record of 45 in Medall, Saskatchewan from 1937 was broken.

Local record temperatures of over 40 degrees have also been measured in many places in North America, such as Oregon.

SRF 4 News, 30.06.21, 07:00;

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