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Hamburg: A man loses control of a kebab – then throws a pigeon into the station

Hamburg: A man loses control of a kebab – then throws a pigeon into the station


The man loses control of the kebab – and then throws a pigeon into the station

As she helped herself to the fallen kebab, a drunk threw a bath in the lobby of Hamburg Central Station. Meanwhile, a motorist from Bavaria grappled with a wild boar.


A drunken pigeon was thrown into the lobby of Hamburg Central Station during a police check.


  • Three strange incidents occurred in Germany today between humans and animals.

  • In Hamburg, a drunken man threw a pigeon across the main train station lobby because they were eating his food.

  • In Bavaria, a driver sat on a wild boar to prevent it from escaping.

  • In Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, a wild boar attacked an individual and two police officers.

Because he dove in the hallway from Hamburg Central Station Federal Police are investigating a 29-year-old man. Officials said Thursday that investigators are accusing him of violating the Animal Welfare Act.

At the beginning of this unusual incident, there was a police check at Hamburg Central Station. An “obvious drunk” man sneers at their inconvenience. In the course of his efforts, the man lost control of the kebab he was carrying – and parts of it fell to the ground.

Immediately, several pigeons pounced on the newly created food source. Then the 29-year-old grabbed one of the birds and threw it several meters into the hall. The animal came to rest on its back under the escalator. The stunned pigeons were taken to an animal shelter in a patrol car. The 29-year-old refused an alcohol breath test.

A man sitting on a wild boar

Living with animals can be challenging. This is also evidenced by the following examples that happened today in our neighboring country: With full physical exertion, a driver in Allgäu held a wounded wild boar until the police arrived. Police in Kempten said on Thursday the man alerted officials and sat on the animal he had brought down until a patrol arrived to prevent it from escaping. The animal previously caught in a wildlife incident was so badly injured that police officers had to rescue it.

A wild boar that escaped during a parental leave in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern was also fatally shot. The animal, which escaped from a fenced private property, behaved very aggressively during the incident, the police in Ludwigslust announced.

It first attempted to attack a 68-year-old villager, who managed to reach his home unharmed. Two police officers who were alerted by the man were also attacked by the animal and could only save themselves by jumping into their patrol car. The hunter killed the animal in the end.

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