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Great Britain: Pedestrians and cyclists should be given priority over motorists

Pedestrians and cyclists should be inside England Get more concessions on road transport. Road traffic regulations should therefore be News Of the transmitter BBC Should be modified to support these transport patterns. This requires parliamentary approval in the fall.

“Over the past year, millions of people have found that cycling and running are the best ways to stay healthy, clear the roads and do something for the environment.” Said British Transport Secretary Grant Shops.

According to the report, cyclists going straight ahead in changes should have the right path at a junction. In addition, drivers should give priority to crossings even if pedestrians do not enter the street.

The new rules are aimed at creating a new order of road traffic: those who can cause more damage to others with their vehicle must also take more responsibility. Have high priority News Pedestrians, followed by cyclists, according to Forbes magazine. Drivers are in 5th place – even behind riders and motorcyclists. Maneuver vans and trucks behind.

Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Boris Johnson Considered a bicycle fan. During his tenure as mayor of London, the expansion of the orbit network was one of his most important projects.

Living Streets welcomed the government’s announcement. “Currently, the Highway Code places children on the way to school and truck drivers are equally responsible for their own safety and the safety of others,” said Stephen Edwards of Living Streets. Changes will make up for this.