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Great Britain: British Parliament approves Asylum Agreement with Rwanda

Great Britain: British Parliament approves Asylum Agreement with Rwanda

Britain’s parliament has approved a controversial bill to deport East African migrants Rwanda
agreed. The draft received 313 votes in favor and 269 against. This was highly controversial within the conservative ruling party – a rejection would have been seen as a defeat for Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.

“The British people should decide who can come to this country – not criminal gangs or foreign courts. That’s what this bill provides,” he wrote. Sunak After the vote on X. He added: “We will now legislate it so we can start flights to Rwanda and stop the boats.”

In November, the British Supreme Court suspended the settlement agreement with Rwanda

In a bid to stem the flow of migrants, the government in London wants to deport irregular visitors to Rwanda regardless of their place of origin without examining their asylum claims in the future. Instead, they should ask for protection there – return England Not planned. However, the British Supreme Court declared a related deal with the East African country illegal in mid-November due to concerns over Rwanda’s asylum procedure.

Now the British government wants to declare Rwanda a legally safe third country, while excluding legal aid in Great Britain citing human rights. Critics, including his own party, accused the prime minister of flouting the principles of the Sunak Act. They fear for the country’s reputation if Britain ignores international human rights laws.

For others, abundance doesn’t go far enough. They demanded that the possibility of going to international courts be ruled out by law. Shortly before the referendum, several groups on the Tory right announced they would not vote. However, they have threatened to fail the bill in the third reading in the new year if their demands are not met.

Sunak wants to win over voters with tougher immigration policies

Sunak has made ending the irregular entry of migrants in small boats across the English Channel a central focus of his government. In 2022 alone, around 45,000 people arrived in Great Britain this way. This number has dropped significantly so far this year.

For the British prime minister, the plan is already about the election campaign: a new parliament should be elected by January 2025, and observers expect a referendum in the fall of 2024. To keep the working class as voters.