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GoldenEye 007 fan remake is back with a new name

GoldenEye 007 fan remake is back with a new name

From Oliver Hunter
It wasn’t long ago that Ubisoft copied levels removed from GoldenEye 007 in Far Cry 5 due to copyright infringement. The Krollywood creator has now republished his much-loved project, this time under the name ‘Golden Cry’.

A few days ago, we reported that a fan of Rare’s classic James Bond game GoldenEye 007, Krollywood, has been reworking levels for three years and over 1,400 hours and using them as cards in the Far Cry 5 level editor. From the publication of his work, Ubisoft intervened and removed the cards from Far Cry 5, possibly due to copyright violations voiced by Metro Goldwyn Mayer, the holder of the rights to GoldenEye 007, which were thus highly suspect.

‘Golden Scream’ statt Golden Eye

However, Krollywood does not seem to be affected by it. In a comment below him reddit post It has been announced that it will bring back cards under the name “Golden Cry” in arcade mode in Far Cry 5 uploading has been done. The cards can be found on Playstation 4 under the creator name “Perfect-Dark1982” and on PC under the name “Graslu00”.

In a behind-the-scenes video about the recreated levels of GoldenEye 007, which Krollywood found in his country after Ubisoft’s June 26 setback YouTube channel Uploaded, talks about how to recreate levels in Far Cry 5.

It remains to be seen whether Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer will step in again to remove the ambitious project. The movie production company opposed the fan remake last year Golden Eye 25 before, whose goal was to implement GoldenEye 007 with Unreal Engine 4. However, in the middle of the development process, Metro Goldwyn Mayer rights holders were said to have asked developers to stop working on their project.

those: reddit

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