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Gianna Nannini's 70th Birthday: 7 Facts About the Singer – News

Gianna Nannini's 70th Birthday: 7 Facts About the Singer – News

1. Gianna Nannini was supposed to be a baker

It was clear to Gianna Nannini's father, Danilo Nannini, that his daughter would one day take over the management of his famous bakery. But when she admitted to him at the age of 14 that she wanted to become a singer, he realized how serious she was and allowed her to take singing lessons.


Gianna Nannini performs at the Paleo Festival in Nyon VD.


2. Gianna Nannini caused a scandal with her pregnancy

In her mid-50s, Gianna Nannini became a mother to her daughter Penelope. This caused a lot of conversation in Italy at that time. During her pregnancy, the singer was in a relationship with her current wife. Daughter Penelope is now a teenager, but she doesn't really like listening to her mother's music, as Nannini revealed in an interview with Stern magazine: “Of course she loves Taylor Swift. But she forbade me from singing in English. She says it will make me sound like Autotune.”

Who is Gianna Nannini?

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Gianna Nannini is an Italian rock singer. Her most important songs include “Bello e impossibile”, “Un'Estate Italiana” and “I maschi”. The 70-year-old is not only a music icon, but also a symbol of feminism and independence. She announced in an interview three years ago that she was heterosexual. Therefore, she is attracted to people regardless of their gender. Nannini's trademark: her raspy voice, which is also full of emotion at the same time.

3. Gianna Nannini moved to London due to pressure

Because of her late pregnancy, Gianna Nannini had to listen to a lot. It's an unusual story, especially for Italy, which was very conservative at the time. She also lives with a woman named Carla. Numerous questions about their unconventional lifestyle eventually convince the family to move to London. She can live there without disturbance, and Gianna Nannini doesn't have to constantly sign, take selfies, and answer unpleasant questions. The three now live in Italy, specifically in Milan. Penelope's daughter goes to an international school there.

A woman wearing a leather jacket sings into a microphone in front of a red wall.


Gianna Nannini is known for her distinctive raspy voice.

Keystone/dpa/Bernd von Gutrzynka

4. Gianna Nannini loves Germany very much

Gianna Nannini especially feels at home in Germany. Reason: Here she met producer Connie Plank in the 1980s. This helped her find her musical identity and her own voice. Additionally, in some ways they like German fans more than Italian fans. In Italy, audiences often just sat and listened. On the other hand, Nannini's German supporters would have created a much better atmosphere.

5. Gianna Nannini is by no means sitting back in her old age

Gianna Nannini not only released her new album “Sei nell'anima” this spring, but she also released a movie about her life. Actress Letizia Toni plays the main role. The film focuses on the early life of Gianna Nannini and her personal turning point in the 1980s when she discovered her bisexuality. The documentary has been showing on the streaming platform Netflix since May 2024.

6. Gianna Nannini believes in rebirth

Gianna Nannini regularly mentions in interviews that she gave birth for the second time. While recording the album “Fotoromanza” in a Cologne studio, she suffered a severe psychological crisis and no longer knew who she was. “Part of me died, and another part appeared. That's why I'm not 70 now, but only 41.”

Also the birthday of two politicians

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And also the former US President Donald Trump He has a birthday today. He will be 78 years old. He spends the weekend campaigning in Michigan. There will be a boat parade in his honor there on Saturday. Today another well-known political figure celebrates her 66th birthday: the German Chancellor Olaf Schulz. He spends his cradle day at the G7 summit in Italy.

7. Gianna Nannini does not celebrate her birthday

The Italian rock singer loves to party, but she prefers to celebrate other people's birthdays. She doesn't take herself too seriously in this regard. Moreover, she doesn't have much time for that because she has to prepare for her European tour at the end of the year. She even stopped in Switzerland for a couple of concerts. It will be played in Geneva on November 24 and in Zurich on November 25.