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Finally Back Home – Nemo Was Welcomed In His Hometown Biel – News

Finally Back Home – Nemo Was Welcomed In His Hometown Biel – News

Singing talent Nemo returns to Biel after a whirlwind few weeks. The people of Bale are proud.

Since winning the Eurovision Song Contest, Nemo says it's been a whirlwind. The 24-year-old star reported this to Biel.

The last five weeks have been crazy.

“The last five weeks have been crazy,” Nemo said shortly before the festival began in his hometown. “Everything happened so fast. I wanted to go on a little road trip to Cannes and drive. Then management contacted about a promotional event in London. Nemo felt very comfortable in the British capital. “I can imagine living in London and Switzerland in the future.”

Life since winning the ESC title has been full of excitement, but also full of opportunities – many doors have opened. Nemo's hometown of Belle invites everyone to attend the festival at Burgplatz. The public has the opportunity to sign autographs and take selfies.

“I'm very happy. This is a beautiful and special moment for me. I grew up in the old town, not far from here. I used to walk here every day on my way to school. Being able to experience this here now is very special,” Nimmo says.

Nemo comes from Bill – and Bill is in the middle of Nemo's win. We are all enjoying this together today at Burgplatz.

Mayor Eric Ver wants to take the opportunity and tell Nemo how proud Bill is, how excited everyone was – and how happy they are that Nemo keeps mentioning Bill when it comes to his origins.

“ESC's win is like a European Music Championship title – and maybe even a World Championship title, because there's nothing like it on any other continent. Nemo comes from Biel – and Biel is in the middle of Nemo's win. We're all enjoying this together at Burgplatz today,” says Fehr. .