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Fast-paced battles in the maze – Freiburg-Nachrichten

Fast-paced battles in the maze – Freiburg-Nachrichten

More than 15 years have passed since the release of the last part of the “Prince of Persia” series. While fans of this series were already waiting for the remake of the classic game “Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time” promised by Ubisoft, at the beginning of the year the developers surprised us with a completely new game in a new genre.

In “Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown” the player takes on the role of Sargon, one of seven elite Persian fighters who set out to find their kidnapped prince. They have to delve deeper into the tangled paths of the legendary Mount Qaf. But the cursed place is full of traps and monsters, and even time seems crazy.

Smooth gameplay

Sargon moves very quickly and smoothly through this maze. Both the platforming and climbing as well as the fighting sequences provide a very good gaming experience. The fighter swings his swords in the air with almost unbelievable speed, blocking attacks and performing special attacks. If the battle is a bit tough, you can often find new items or skills somewhere that will lead to victory.

Visually, the game is also very successful. Detailed backgrounds of the 2D world always invite you to stop and enjoy the surroundings. Overall, the player is encouraged to aimlessly explore and discover new areas, as expected from a classic Metroidvania game.

Guided mode and discovery aids

If you find it too stupid to wander around for a long time without progressing through the story, there's also a guided mode in which objectives are visible on the map. And in explorer mode, the game also has a useful feature that should really become standard in Metroidvanias: it allows you to take photos of locations and pin them to the map. This means you can quickly get an overview of the puzzles you haven't solved yet, even after a long break from playing.

“Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown” is a very successful adaptation of the famous series and fits seamlessly into the new genre. The only point of criticism that can be seen is the rather simple story – the makers haven't really tried their best here. But in fast-paced battles and beautiful explorations, these details are quickly forgotten.

“Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown” is currently available for PC, Playstation, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch.