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Facing database problems with regional memory

Facing database problems with regional memory

from Susan Brown
Unsurprisingly, Diablo 2 Resurrected is very popular and at the same time suffers from database failures or simply due to obscure waiting times. The developers are trying a new system that stores character data regionally rather than globally. Transparency queue promises.

Any fan of online role-playing games will at some point encounter the problem: there are problems with the game database or with the server connection. And whoops! Your character data is not saved properly and game time is wasted. This is usually called going backwards, and if it does happen, it is inconvenient for both players and developers. Especially if the retreat is not planned.

This has happened frequently since the release of Diablo 2 Resurrected; An issue the developers at Blizzard have been facing on the series since mid-October. What they want to do to defuse the problems, they now reveal in an update in the official Forums revived by Diablo 2.

Reduce database load

The developers are tweaking how your character data is saved and they have a big change in that regard. To date, personal data is stored globally. There will soon be an update on the test server, in which storage will be done more frequently at the regional rather than the global level. In this way, the huge amount of data that burdens databases should be somewhat reduced.

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Transparency of waiting times

“We also have another customer patch that we expect next week that will provide better insight into wait times by adding time estimates next to your queue location,” PezRadar community manager wrote. Internally also, the rating mechanism ensures that more players participate, especially during peak times.

“Finally, we have some major bug fixes and feature updates planned for the game, and we look forward to discussing all of these updates with you soon,” PezRadar promises.

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